Visualization types
Population Pyramid
Also known as: age-sex pyramid
A population pyramid is a graphical illustration of population distribution across different age groups and genders.
Population pyramids consist of a series of histogram bars on opposing sides, with one side representing male and the other female. Each row (or bin) of a population pyramid represents an age group and together they form the shape of a pyramid.

In addition to the guidance provided in this section, relevant guidance can also be found in the Agency Logo, Axes, Colors, Grids, Labels, Legends, Source, Titles, Typography sections.
Place the y-axis in the middle of the x-axis at the zero marker.
Display males on the left and females on the right.
Display age groups on the y-axis and population size on the x-axis.
Use uniform bin sizes.
Never use more than two colors.
Alternate between two shades of color for each row for improved legibility.
Leave space between each row.
Label the y-axis on boths sides of the chart.
Use different colors to represent male and female.
Not Recommended
Don’t label the y-axis in the center of the chart.